Thursday, April 28, 2005

Random Musing

I am an incredibly lucky person.

I attribute most of the things I have today to luck: family, friends, my job.

I don't believe I deserve anything that I have today. My family has an undying amount of love for me that I could never possibly repay. My friends will go out of their way, and even cancel plans, if I ask them for help. I also received my job offer about a month before graduating from college (it was the last decision I was waiting on).

I know there are people who work a lot harder, love much more, and, in general, should have a much better life than they do.

It's not right.

Who am I?

Ok, so now that I know to use this thing, a little bit about myself.

I recently graduated from UT-Austin with a Bachelors in Computer Science. After a brief two-week journey to Australia (a graduation gift from my parents), I moved to Dallas and started working for a software development company and have been here for about a year.

And what a year it has been. I never realized how difficult it would be to pick up everything and start over in a new city. People would ask me in college where I wanted to work, and everyone sort of assumed that I would stay in Austin. (I had lived there since I was like 2). I told everyone that the location didn't matter, and that I was looking forward to a new environment.

At first, though, Dallas was sort of bewildering since I didn't have the motivation or desire to explore my surroundings. I was so used to where everything was in Austin, and how to get from A to B that it was second-nature. But in Dallas, I had no idea where anything was, so I got lost quite frequently which sort of made me not want to leave my apartment.

I have seen more of the city since those first months, and think I have gotten to the comfort level of where I was in Austin. I still don't like the city though, and definitely prefer Austin.

My First Blog

So I've decided to jump on the blog bandwagon.

People start blogs for different reasons. I guess my main reason is so that, maybe someday, I'll be able to come back and see what was going on at this point in my life.

Most of what will be posted here will be just my random musings, and possibly things I've done (if they're interesting enough). I've read other blogs and some are quite mundane. Hopefully mine will not be one those.