Friday, October 07, 2005

Best Shows on TV

In no particular order:

Veronica Mars - Kristen Bell, the new hotness, is a part-time student, part-time detective who helps her dad solve cases in their upper-class neighborhood.  I've only caught bits and pieces, but she seems to be a bit of an outcast and people are always accusing her of committing crimes like murder.

Arrested Development - By far, the funniest show on today.  It takes multiple viewings to catch all the jokes.  Unfortunately, the ratings are pretty low, and Fox might cancel it if more people don't start watching (Mondays at 7 pm).

Desperate Housewives - Eva Longoria, plus some deep dark secret (in the form of a human) locked in a basement. Enough said.

Making the Band 3 - Diddy wasn't impressed with the girls his minions found last season, so he sent them all over the country to try and find better (i.e. hotter) ones.  Apparantly he wants girls who can dance, but "not dance like Britney."   Oh ok, so ignore the secrets of success of the youngest female artist ever to have four #1 albums?  That's a great idea, Diddy.  Good luck with that.

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