Sunday, May 06, 2007

Gwen concert

I went to my second Gwen Stefani concert last night. The first one was back in 2005 (I'm sure there's a post about it somewhere). You're probably thinking it's unusual for a guy to like Gwen and to actually pay the money to go to a concert, and you're right!

The ratio was about 4-1 girls-to-guys. Of the guys who were there, they were either dragged there by their significant other or were gay. And then there was me.

There's certain advantages to having fewer guys; one being the bathroom line is ridiculously short, and another being that there's plenty of eye candy.

Back when tickets first came on sale, I thought it'd be a great idea to go. As the day neared, I started to wonder why I wanted to go in the first place.

It was an awesome concert though, so no regrets. Openers were this short British rapper named Lady Sovereign and R&B star Akon.

The girl next to me (who kept dropping all the papers from her wallet!) said Lady Sovereign was pretty good, but probably won't make it in the US since she has a really strong accent and people can't understand her. Yeah, it was definitely hard to understand her, but most of her songs had a good beat.

Akon rambled on about how he didn't care about money and started tossing out dollar bills. I looked it up this morning, and apparently he was dropped from Verizon for a risque onstage dance in the Carribean.

Funny that he can do freaky actions like that, but won't curse onstage (even though both Lady Sovereign and Gwen did). Oh, and one of his songs was about living in the ghetto, so he asked the crowd how many people actually lived in the ghetto. He obviously didn't see any of his audience since they were all upper-class white girls. Plus, I don't think anyone from the ghetto could afford the ticket prices. Ironic, don't ya think?

Then Gwen came out and did her thing. I hadn't heard most of the songs from her new album, but she played a lot of songs from the first album too so I wasn't completely lost. She also came out into the audience at one point. Oh, and she said that they're going to make a No Doubt album soon.

I still prefer the first Gwen concert since the Black Eyed Peas were the openers and it was just a better deal overall. But last night was still a great concert. There's nothing quite like the energy produced by 20,000 people.

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