Thursday, September 06, 2007

Kristen Bell is back!

I used to watch this really great show called Veronica Mars, but then for some unknown reason, they cancelled it.

It was the greatest show on earth.  Definitely gave Ringling Bros. a run for their money ;)

I doubt they'll ever make a show that even comes close to being as good.

The main reason it was so good was because of the leading actress Kristen Bell.  Well, luckily, she hasn't faded from the spotlight.  She'll be on Heroes this fall and has the starring role in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, a new movie from the people that made Superbad and Knocked Up.

Remember all that stuff about me needing to find some new topic to rant/rave about? Turns out it won't be necessary since KB's still lighting up the screen.
Speaking of Superbad, I saw it last night.  Hilarious.  

More comedies should adopt the style of improvisation.  There wasn't a single scene that appeared scripted.  The director simply said, here's the idea: run with it and make it funny.

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