Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Work Musings

I attended a training session at work today and my suspicions about the company were confirmed: most of the people are in "Gen-X" - born between 1963-1980.

10% (only 4 people) were in "Gen-Y" - me, another Indian guy, a knocked-up Hispanic woman, and a hot brunette who looks like she just graduated college.

The sad part was when the instructor told everyone if they didn't know a word, they could always go to More than half the people in the room actually wrote it down! Really? People hadn't heard of the site? Yikes.
I'm a big fan of all the free food at the company - free breakfasts on pay days, and free lunches for special occasions, like the monthly CEO talks or during training sessions. It comes out to free food at least 4 or 5 times a month. And that doesn't even count pizza during lunch meetings.
Two managers in my group admitted to receiving more than 100 daily emails that they needed to personally respond to - ranging from 6am to 11pm at night.

My project lead was the only person in the training session who claimed to work more than 60 hours a week.

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