Sunday, March 01, 2009

Will Ferrell!

I went to New York City this weekend to see Will Ferrell's George W. Bush impression on Broadway (two out-of-town trips in one month!).

He's probably one of the funniest mainstream comedians out there today (Ferrell, not Bush), and I thought it would be an awesome opportunity to see him live.

It was a hilarious show, and I would highly recommend watching it when they show it on HBO later this month. When you combine the great comic abilities of Ferrell with the wealth of material that Bush provided over the past 8 years, you get a great show that had me laughing from the beginning to the end.

I don't want to ruin it, but I will say that one of the more bizarre (but brilliantly performed) moments was Bush's recounting of his relationship with Condolezza Rice.

I'm always in awe of people who can command an audience for that long without missing a beat. Although there were a few other minor characters, Farrell was the only one who had a speaking part and he completely carried the show, leaving most of the audience laughing throughout the entire show.

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