Thursday, October 22, 2009


I've made an interesting self-observation at work this week.

I'm a terrible liar.

Not in the sense that I can't lie when I need to, because I'm pretty sure I could if the situation called for it. I mean that if someone asks me a question, I'm incredibly honest, almost to a fault.

I've noticed that others tend to "massage the truth," either to lessen the impact of negative news or for self-preservation. Well, that's not me. If someone made a mistake, even if it's me, I'll say it - even if others would rather go with the "we were being conservative" explanation.

I'm not sure if being able to lie more effectively is something that comes with more experience or if it's a personality thing, but my guess is that it's the latter since I have been told numerous times that I need to get better at lying (by my parents, no less!).

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