Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's About Time..


"To the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush told a White House news conference at which he openly questioned U.S. preparedness for another storm or a "severe attack."

That's interesting, since I vaguely recall his entire re-election campaign theme was about protecting the country and how he would do a much better job of keeping people safe. That, coupled with the fact that he's spent billions of dollars supposedly beefing up security everywhere and his newly concocted claim about the war in Iraq: "fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here." Well, I guess you can't "fight" hurricanes or other natural occurences wherever you want. Sounds to me like the whole country was duped into voting for him under false pretenses.

The president's approval ratings have hit new lows

Wow, less than a year after he was re-elected. I guess it's pretty easy to keep approval ratings high when people have no idea what's going on in a war if you make sure that all media is filtered through the government. All the people hear about are the numbers of deaths, and the politicians proclaiming that we're still winning. But it's a lot harder to censor the media if they get there days before any government presence, and are able to show the horrid and inhumane conditions that these people went through. It's tough to convince the public that "help is on the way" and that the victims are being taken care of when they can see people dying on their screens.

Pretty ironic that the president who proclaimed that he was the strong leader who would keep us safe is now apologizing and questioning whether we are prepared....

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