Monday, February 20, 2006

Shopping Expedition

I wish I had worked at a clothing store, like in the mall or something, during high school. I would know so much more about fashion and style and probably would have met some cool people as well.

I went shopping for some nice sweatshirts/sweaters, but found out that most stores only carry hoodies and these weird zip-up jackets that don't even appear to be that warm. The "sweaters" at the Gap were paper-thin. Next store!

Finally, I found a store that carried normal sweaters, but it was kinda big, so I asked if they had it in a small. Somehow, the "small" ended up being bigger than the medium. Not sure how that even works out, so I ended up just keeping the medium. It still looks pretty pimp.

When I was paying, the (hot) girl remarked that there was a guy at her high school who has the same last name as me. That's not something I hear every day. So I asked what school she went to. Her response: go fuck yourself, you pedophile. JK! Wylie. Where the hell is Wylie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey try shopping at Wal-Mart...its decent and not pricy... :)