Thursday, June 21, 2007


I've decided that all of my guy friends are lame.

Tonight at happy hour, we had a golden opportunity when 2 girls came to our table (since the place was packed and there were no empty tables) and asked if they could share our table.

We said yes, and one guy actually got up and offered his seat.

After one of the girls sat down, we had no idea what to do. No one said a word and we probably seemed either really creepy or really lame. About a minute passed, and the girl decided it'd be better to sit on the steps than to share the table with us.



Vincent said...

it wasn't enough for them to admire sumeet's good looks in silence? i'd say that's the girls' problem.

Dan said...

Egad! That's majorly disappointing. I had such higher hopes. At least, you know, a brief conversation. Ah, well. I was getting pretty tired anyway.