Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rock Band, etc.

My friend got the new video game Rock Band this weekend. If you haven't heard of it, it basically allows people who don't have real musical talent to pretend to be in a rock band. The "simulated" instruments are lead guitar, bass guitar, vocalist and drummer.

It may sound kind of lame, but it's actually a pretty fun game. We have 4 people for our fake band (I'm the drummer) but, for some reason, they only sell the game with one guitar. We need to figure out how to get the second guitar since they don't sell it separately.

We played for 4 hours last night. The coolest part of the game is that each band member gets "freestyle" sections where they can play whatever they want. Needless to say, I love banging on the drums whenever those parts come up and have won the most "most energy" awards ;)
I feel like I've been oscillating between being sober, drunk and hungover since Thursday night. People are always saying I'm a lush/alcoholic (half-jokingly, I think), but I didn't even suggest drinking this weekend. So there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.