Saturday, April 05, 2008


I attended a hip-hop dance class this past week. It was incredibly awkward, as I expected. But not really in the way I expected. There were about 10 other students - all female and all probably college sorority girls. Yeah, I was the only guy until another black dude showed up about 10 minutes later.

Damn, hip-hop dancing is hard! They made it look so easy on America's Best Dance Crew. I only paid for that one class, so I'm under no obligation to continue. But I think I'll go back, because it's still fun and great exercise even though I suck. Oh, and the eye candy's not bad either ;).

As for the FBI interview, that was incredibly awkward as well. I was expecting it to be about 50 people in a small room taking a test. Well, there were about 400 people and most of them dressed much better than me - and I was wearing a dress shirt and slacks! It was an excruciatingly long 5 hours of testing with only one break in between. And they discouraged getting food because we might not be back in time!

I'd like to talk more about the tests themselves, but since the FBI could be reading this and I signed an NDA stating I wouldn't talk about it, all I'll say is that the questions were pretty interesting and could be interpreted in two ways and it's hard to say which way the FBI wants you to interpret them. The agent also said that half the people fail the first round. I'd say my odds are pretty good.

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