Sunday, December 14, 2008


I went to NYC this weekend for my sister's birthday dinner, and I had a great time.

It might seem like an odd reason to go all the way up there, but there were a lot of other people going that I hadn't seen in awhile, and I didn't have any other plans in town, so I went.

The bus ride itself was uneventful, although I will say that having electrical outlets at each seat and a driver that speaks English are both major pluses. They also took out rows of seats, so there was a lot of leg room. Highly recommended - (

I had to switch trains when I got into the city, and as luck would have it, my train was closed for maintenance. There was another (hot) girl who also needed to take the same train, and I think she may have motioned towards me while we were leaving the station. I'm not sure though, because that would be really weird since we had literally just met and there was no reason for it.

I was actually surprised by the number of people that came up to me while I was waiting for the bus in DC to ask me questions about another bus. There were lots of other people waiting and I've never thought of myself as looking all that approachable.
The dinner party on Saturday was pretty fun. My sister's two friends from Austin who are now also in New York were both there and it was fun to catch up with them. One of her high school friends was there too and it was amusing to hear what he's doing now. We went to a cool bar afterwards (she had reserved a minibar which had empty bottles along all the walls as the decor - my new iphone wallpaper!).

It's always interesting to meet "significant others" to see what characteristics people you know look for in their mates, and of course, to do your own analysis of whether the looks/personalities match up the way you would want.

I didn't have much time today, but I hung out with my cousin for most of it. We played a little bit of DDR at his place (he's going to a DDR-inspired off-off-Broadway play tonight), then brunch and then Grand Central (where they had a big Christmas fair). I had an enlightening conversation with him over brunch, and saw a side of him that I hadn't seen before.

All in all, a really fun weekend and hopefully some good pics to come...

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