Sunday, December 16, 2007


It's been an interesting couple of days. Just like last week, somehow I'm managed to drink 3 nights in a row...

I saw a free screening for Kite Runner on Thursday and then we went to a hookah bar on Friday (even though the weather was cold and rainy and it probably would have been better to stay home). I just got home from a Christmas party (which was broken up by the cops!) where I got Shaun of the Dead from the White Elephant gift exchange (I've never seen it but my friends refer to it all the time, so hopefully it's funny).
As for the title of this post, it actually relates to two different things.

First, my sister and I collaborated on a gift for my parents for Christmas. The program that we picked is ridiculously difficult to use. After an order has been placed, it can't be canceled. Also, even though the company has a website, the only way to use the product is to download the application on each computer and then use it locally. There's no way to share files between computers except for explicitly emailing the file back and forth. It's quite possibly the worst design ever for a web application.

Second, I tried to organize a hookah outing for last night. One of my friends didn't want to drive because of the weather, but my other friend lives pretty close so I suggested that he give her a ride. Here's where the indirection comes in: both of them refused to call the other person even though they know each other pretty well and have each other's number! So I ended up arranging everything for both of them.
In the past, I've never had to deal with friends disliking other friends. Lately, however, that situation has arisen several times. I suppose it's inevitable, but it still puts me in an awkward spot when people tell me flat out that they don't like a certain person and refuse to hang out with them. At least the hatred is mutual.

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