Tuesday, July 31, 2007

You know what pisses me off?

Well, there's lots of things but here's a few:

- Evite: If you organize an event and click the checkbox that says 'email me when guests reply,' it doesn't email you! WTF? I'm honestly surprised they haven't fixed this because I doubt I'm the only one who's complained. Also, it would be really nice if you could mouse-over a name and it would show a picture of the person - kinda like Gmail does - since you don't always remember names, but you do remember faces. I hate Evite.

- The waiter at Gloria's: Maybe you want to ask next time you pack the boxes up separately. How do you know we weren't on a date? You don't think I could be on a date with a girl like that? Asshole.

- The stock market: One day you're up 20%, next day you're only up 10%. This whole investing thing is far more emotional that I thought it'd be. And the thing that really pisses me off is that Apple went down 6% today because some analyst said they'd be cutting production of the iPod/iPhone. Um, what? Not someone at Apple, not someone who knows something about what goes on at Apple, but an analyst. My guess is that the analyst wants Apple stock himself so he made something up to make the price go down. Asshole.

Okay, enough griping. Maybe next time I'll post about things that amuse me.

Oh, but before I go, a couple of pop culture tidbits: Britney and K-Fed's divorce has been finalized, The Simple Life has been canceled (I know, I was shocked too!), and Lindsay Lohan's new movie is the worst reviewed movie of the year.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Even if it's true?

Is it rude to tell a waitress that she should quit and become a stripper because she could make a lot more money?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stocks, Harry Potter, Yoga

Back in grade school, we had this project in Math class where we had an imaginary portfolio and had to invest $10,000 dollars in however many stocks we wanted.  The winner at the end of the 6-week project would get a prize (or maybe it was an A on the project, I don't remember).

It was in Math class because we didn't have this newfangled gizmo called the Internet where you could easily look up the stock quotes.  Nope, you actually had to know the ticker symbol of the companies and go to the newspaper and manually search the thousands of stocks to see the closing price.  It was a pain in the ass.

After you did that, you had to calculate your total by multiplying your number of shares times the price per share.  Also, a pain in the ass, especially if you had a lot of stocks.

Well, thank god for the Internet.  Investing in stocks is a lot easier now that everything is calculated automatically.  For some reason, I've decided to take a lot more interest in stocks and recently invested in both Amazon and Apple.  I still haven't completely figured out the websites, but I do know that green numbers are good and red numbers are bad. 

I need to move some more money around and invest in a few more companies,

Harry Potter
Last night, I saw the newest HP flick.  We arrived too late (20 minutes before it started), and had to sit in the front row.  Normally at a concert or play or something, that would be the perfect seats.  Well, not so much at a movie.  Harry was definitely larger than life, and not in a good way.

It was a great movie though, with lots of special effects and interesting character development.  Daniel Radcliffe is finally becoming a decent actor.

I heard the IMAX version has a 20-minute 3D ending which would be awesome to see..

Speaking of Harry Potter, the final book (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) comes out next Friday.  I've already gotten some people interested in attending a book release party (where everyone goes to a Barnes and Noble and dresses up and plays games while waiting for the book to be released).  It would be even more fun if we combined it with a happy hour beforehand and got to the party a little buzzed ("What the hell am I doing at a bookstore at 11pm on a Friday night? And why is everyone dressed up??")

I guess I haven't mentioned it on here yet, but I've been taking yoga classes for a few weeks now.  I'm taking the kind where you exercise in a warm room (98.6 degrees, 60% humidity) and hold different poses for 90 minutes.  It's excruciating but also a great workout.

I thought today's class was more difficult than normal, and found out that the room was 103.5 degrees!  I could barely walk when class was over.

Speaking of hot, our teacher today was incredibly attractive.  Most of them are older, but this one seemed to be newer and younger.  I hope she teaches again.

Monday, July 09, 2007


I went up to DC to visit my family for the 4th of July. There were some definite highs and also some lows.

- I hadn't seen my parents or sister since we met up in Minnesota at the end of March. I also hadn't seen most of my other family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) since Thanksgiving.
- My parents and uncle said I'm looking 'healthier,' even though I haven't gained any weight recently or noticed any difference myself.
- We went to DC for fireworks and the concert on the Mall. My dad had talked about how great the DC fireworks were and it was pretty cool to see them in person.
- All 4 of us went to Shenandoah National Park for some sightseeing. Although we had already seen most of that kind of stuff before, it was still fun to go on a road trip since we used to go on them a lot when I was younger.

- My sister is suffering from some mysterious ailment that causes her to be dizzy and/or tired for long periods of time. The blood tests came out negative and the MRI didn't show anything significant and we're still waiting for results from her EEG.
- I mentioned my uncle's cancer earlier, but to see him in person was unreal. His memory and vision have been affected to the point where he can't remember certain words, can't see anything on his right side, and needs a few seconds to focus on objects. My mom said that he couldn't remember how to use the phone after he came back from surgery. All the family in the area is doing everything they possibly can to help him, but the situation is pretty bad.