Sunday, October 01, 2006


So I went to this murder mystery dinner last night for a friend's birthday party.

Apparently, these come in two variations: you can either get a mystery-in-a-box and act it out with a group of friends or go to a restaurant and have them essentially put on a show for the guests. Well, this one was of the latter variety.

Most of the people in our group were Indian, so we ended up arriving a little late to the dinner (as a general rule, Indians will arrive about half an hour to an hour later than the scheduled time).

It was cool though. We got to the restaurant just in time for the first murder. It caught me completely off-guard. I was standing there, enjoying my carrots and ranch dressing and all of a sudden a girl bursts out of the door with blood streaming down her mouth.

They tried to set it up so that the actors were intermingled with the guests, but it became pretty obvious like 10 minutes into the dinner who the main actors were, since they were far more polished and suspicious than everyone else.

Overall, it was definitely a different experience, but I think it would have been more fun to do the mystery-in-a-box since everyone could get more involved in the plot. I was lost for most of the night, and my "theory" was based on what everyone else at the table thought. It felt like school again.

And you know what they say. After the party, it's the after-party. And so it was. We went back to the birthday girl's house and chilled at her place, drinking, smoking (the hookah), and (salsa) dancing.

Yeah, so there's two more things that I've decided should go on my list of things-to-do (before I die): learn how to shoot a gun, and learn how to salsa dance. The latter looks easy to learn, and seems pretty free-form.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There exists a female version, too, which is call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, in addition to human beings, have got a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, since it means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role contained in the sexuality of humans than overall other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized with the male or female of the human species (to put together a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay and not to mention oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings beyond our ape brothers and sisters.