Friday, February 09, 2007

I disagree

As you may have heard, Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday after being found unconscious in her hotel room.

Our waiter at lunch today said that he liked her because "not everyone lives their life the way they want to, but she did."

There was an article on cnn about her life, and for some reason, they dragged Paris Hilton into it.

This quote caught my attention:

"With Anna Nicole, she was pathetic but at the same time you thought, 'Gosh, if I could just scoop you up and fix things, it would be OK,"' said Jerry Herron, a professor of American culture at Wayne State University. "You wouldn't want to scoop up Paris Hilton."

Sorry, Jerry, but I can think of many people who would want to scoop up Paris Hilton. Apparently, American culture means something completely different at Wayne State University (where the hell is that, anyways?). I'm glad I didn't go there.

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