Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Whatever happened to....

.. Paris' pet kinkajou?

That question has been bothering me for quite awhile. (I'm not even kidding; these are the things I think about.) There used to be reports about it all the time, and then one day, they stopped talking about it. I figured that the government probably took it away seeing as how it's not your typical pet (and from what I remember, she didn't exactly acquire it legally).

But then today I saw this:

Paris kicks out kinkajou

Paris Hilton has apparently gotten rid of her pet kinkajou, Baby Luv, because it kept scratching and biting her.

I wonder where you go to get rid of your kinkajou. Does the local humane society accept such animals? Or did she just give it to a friend? As with most things Paris, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Oh, in other mysteries, the last episode of this round of Veronica Mars is tonight and we'll finally get to see who murdered the Dean.

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