Thursday, June 26, 2008

Miss me?

We're having company this weekend. My mom's friend's family from India is visiting them, and they're staying with us on Friday and Saturday nights. So, it'll be 10 people sleeping in the house for 2 nights. Luckily, I don't think I'll have to share the basement.

They should create some sort of email protocol to exclude addresses on listservs. For example, if you have a list where everyone communicates regularly, but have specific messages that only certain people are interested in, it would be really useful to exclude other people off that email. I don't know if that made any sense, but it's a really good idea ;)

A while back, they asked us if we wanted to get Macs at work. They said it was highly unlikely we would get them even if we requested it since they had to show a substantial business justification due to the higher expense. Well, I requested one and it looks like it's a done deal! We should be getting them sometime next week. I use a Mac at home now, but to be honest, I still don't know how to do a lot of things on it. I've always been a Mac wannabe, and really didn't think we'd actually get Macs... I guess I'll have to learn how to be productive on it quickly!

There's a ridiculous amount of useful information that could be analyzed on someone's Facebook page. In addition to the info users choose to enter, there's also a lot of data from photos, wall postings, and friend circles. Assuming you use profiles that are updated on a fairly regular basis, it's possible to draw a fairly accurate portrait of a person just through this info.

Have you seen the new Daylife widget on the side? I know I mentioned the site before when it first launched, but my cousin had his picture and an article in BusinessWeek recently and the site has improved a LOT since it first went live. Here's a link to his (mostly work-related) blog.

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