Friday, April 14, 2006

Bad Saturday

I was really excited to go to a club on Saturday night for a friend's birthday celebration. It was at this club downtown Purgatory that has three levels (Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven), and Girls Gone Wild was shooting that night.

We met up at his parent's house beforehand for a little pre-partying where I had a few drinks, and then arrived way early at the club. I have to say though, the bathrooms were really nice. There was no separate door for the bathroom, just individual doors for each toilet and then a communal sink in front of all the toilets. A different idea, since guys and girls basically shared the sinks and the toilets, but they did a really nice job, and it wasn't nasty this way.

Anyway, I had a couple of vodka and sprites and a shot of Patron, and started dancing with my friends well before there was anyone else on the dance floor (probably the first sign that I had too much to drink). That's pretty much all I remember. Next vague memory is being "escorted" out of the club by a big bouncer (ironically I was in Heaven when this happened, so I've already been kicked out Heaven and I'm not even dead yet: an ominous foreshadowing?) and yelling at him asking why we were leaving and if anyone had complained. After that, my shirt was ripped, my arm was twisted behind my back and the bouncer (or cop?) asked if I wanted to go to jail. Even though I was still pretty pissed and confused, I had enough sense to say no. My memory is spotty from here on out, but I do remember being passed out on the sidewalk and then basically waking up the next morning in my bed.

From what my friends told me the next day, it sounds like I was basically being belligerent and resistant to anyone and everyone within sight. I was running into people on the dance floor, and refused to leave when my friends tried to drag me off. I also apparantly mouthed off to the bouncer and the cops when I was outside and came close to being arrested.

After hearing all of this, yeah, I probably should have been kicked out. It's just weird, and a little scary, not being able to remember any of it. I didn't even have that much to drink (comparatively).

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