Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Return of VM

I'm not sure why I didn't post about this last week, since that was the return of the greatest show to hit the small screen since... well since television was invented.

I know you've been anxiously awaiting my opinion on the new episodes of Veronica Mars!

Last week's episode was alright. Not quite up to par, but it still had its moments. My favorite part was when Veronica and Keith were discussing what 'manila' meant (as in manila folder) and my first thought was, you should look up it on Wikipedia. And, seconds later, that's exactly what she does! Good stuff. Oh, and the episode involved a monkey. And who doesn't love monkeys?

Tonight's episode was way better. More hurdles in the Veronica-Logan relationship plus hookers! Oh, and a "GFE" reference. Strangely enough, the term came up at work just last week and a co-worker was kind enough to explain what it meant to everyone. It stands for "girlfriend experience." When you solicit an escort, you can specify the type of experience you want. Another level (according to the episode) is "PSE" - porn star experience. You learn something new every day.

One of the hookers was pretty hot. I've watched the show for two and a half years now, and this was the first episode where a female actually may have been hotter than Kristen Bell.
In other TV news, the show where they pick the new star for the Broadway revival of Grease is actually pretty good. It's funny to me that they could find so many talented people for this show, but P Diddy needed 2 seasons to find a halfway decent girl group. I was really hoping that the hot blonde Ashley would be able to pull it together and prove the judges wrong, but she might actually be tone-deaf. It's unfortunate because she's definitely the hottest girl in the group, and looks the most like the original Sandy.

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